Boston An independent LDT provider

Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Immunovia AB

May 26, 2023

LUND (SWEDEN)On 26th May 2023, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in Immunovia AB (publ), 556730-4299 at The Spark, Scheeletorget 1, Medicon Village, in Lund. Below is a summary of the resolutions made at the AGM.

Allocation of the company’s available profits and discharge from liability

The AGM resolved that the company’s available profits, SEK 127,985,141, shall be brought forward and that no dividend shall be made. The board of directors and the managing directors were discharged from liability for the financial year 2022.

Fees for the board and the auditor

The AGM resolved that the chairman of the board shall receive SEK 550,000 and each of the other members of the board shall receive SEK 240,000. Remuneration for committee work will amount to SEK 30,000 for members of the audit and remuneration committees, and SEK 50,000 for the chairmen of the audit and remuneration committees. Travel expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with company policy. Lastly, the auditor’s fees are to be paid as per approved invoice.

Election of board members, chairman of the board and auditors

The AGM resolved (i) that the number of board members shall be four, with no deputy members, (ii) to re-elect board members Peter Høngaard Andersen, Hans Johansson and Martin Møller, (iii) to elect Michael Löfman as a new board member and (iv) to elect Peter Høngaard Andersen as chairman of the board. Lastly, the AGM resolved to re-elect chartered accountant Mats-Åke Andersson, HLB Auditoriet AB, as auditor of the company, with Martin Gustafsson, HLB Auditoriet AB as deputy auditor. 

Remuneration report and guidelines for remuneration to management

The AGM approved the board’s remuneration report, as well as the guidelines for remuneration to the company’s management proposed by the board (after recommendation from the remuneration committee).

Authorization for the board to resolve on new issue of shares

The AGM authorized the board to resolve, on one or several occasions before the next AGM, on an issue of shares. Such issue may entail a deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right to subscribe for new shares and also entail that payment of the new shares may be made in cash, by consideration in kind or by set-off. The issue may result in an aggregate increase in the share capital corresponding to the issue of a maximum of 20 % of the number of shares as per the 2023 AGM.


Minutes from the AGM

Minutes from the AGM (in Swedish) will be published on the company’s website,, during week 22.


For more information, please contact:
Karin Almqvist Liwendahl
+46 70 911 56 08


About Immunovia
Immunovia is a diagnostic company with the vision to revolutionize blood-based diagnostics and increase survival rates for patients with cancer. 


Our first product, IMMray™ PanCan-d is the only blood test currently available specifically for the early detection of pancreatic cancer. The test has unmatched clinical performance. Commercialization of IMMray™ PanCan-d started in August 2021 in the USA and IMMray™ PanCan-d is offered as a laboratory developed test (LDT) exclusively through Immunovia, Inc. For more information see: 


Immunovia collaborates and engages with healthcare providers, leading experts and patient advocacy groups globally to make this test available to all high-risk pancreatic cancer groups.  


The USA, the first market in which IMMray™ PanCan-d is commercially available, is the world’s largest market for the detection of pancreatic cancer with an estimated, addressable market size of 1.8 million individuals per year who could benefit from our test. 

Immunovia’s shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit 



Press release (PDF)