Boston An independent LDT provider

General meetings

The shareholders’ right to decide on the company’s affairs is exercised at its highest decision-making body – the general meeting (the annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting). The general meeting decides, for example, on changes to the articles of association, the election of the Board of Directors and auditors, adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, discharge from liability of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the appropriation of profit or loss, the principles for the appointment of the nomination committee and remuneration guidelines for the Management Team.

General meetings shall be held in Lund, Sweden. Notice convening the annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings where amendments to the articles of association are to be addressed, shall be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than four weeks prior to the meeting. Notice convening other extraordinary general meetings shall be issued no earlier than six weeks and no later than three weeks prior to the meeting. A shareholder who wishes to have a matter considered by the Annual General Meeting on may submit a written request to the Board. Proposals for the agenda shall be submitted no later than seven weeks before the Annual General Meeting.


Immunovia Annual General Meeting, 19 June 2024

Convening notice 2024 (PDF)

Statement from nomination committee 2024 (PDF)

Remuneration report (PDF)

Proposal for remuneration guidelines (PDF)

Proposal for resolution on reduction of the share capital (PDF)

Proposal for resolution on amendment of the Articles of Association (PDF)

Resolution on rights issue of units subject to approval by the annual general meeting (PDF)

Proposal for resolution to authorize the board of directors to issue shares and warrants to guarantors (PDF)

Proposal for resolution on authorization of the board to resolve on new issue of shares (PDF)

Annual report 2023 (PDF)

Power of Attorney form (PDF)

Statement by the auditor (PDF)

Statement by the auditor – Senior Executives (PDF in Swedish)

Minutes Annual General Meeting 19 June 2024 (PDF)